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Sorority History

Pictured: Alpha Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.  (1924)

Greater Service, Greater Progress!

Sorority Flower: The yellow tea rose          |          Sorority Mascot: The Poodle         |          Sorority Colors: Royal Blue & Gold

Sorority History


Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. was organized on November 12, 1922, in Indianapolis, Indiana, by seven young educators: Mary Lou Allison Gardner Little, Dorothy Hanley Whiteside, Vivian White Marbury, Nannie Mae Gahn Johnson, Hattie Mae Annette Dulin Redford, Bessie Mae Downey Rhoades Martin and Cubena McClure. The group became an incorporated national collegiate sorority on December 30, 1929, when a charter was granted to Alpha chapter at Butler University.​


From seven young educators, Sigma Gamma Rho has become an international service organization comprised of women from every profession. Sigma Gamma Rho offers its members opportunities to develop their unique talents through leadership training and involvement in sorority activities. Sorority activities provide an atmosphere where friendships and professional contacts are developed which often lead to bonds that last a lifetime. Learn more about the rich heritage of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. by visiting the Sorority's national website


During the 14th Boule held in New York, New York December 27-30, 1939, the Grand Chapter voted to establish the Southwestern Region of the sorority. Over the course of the subsequent months, the strategy for the region's organization was developed under the leadership of Soror Mary Scales Greenwood of the Gamma Sigma Chapter of Houston,Texas.  Soror Greenwood became the First Syntaktes of the Southwestern Region and during her tenure as Syntaktes (1940-1948) most of the region's chapters were organized. 


Although the Southwestern Region was officially established in 1940, there was a strong presence in the southern part of the country dating back to 1928. Six educators interested in furthering the sorority's mission organized and established the Alpha Lambda Chapter at Texas Southern University and Gamma Sigma Alumnae Chapters of Houston, Texas in 1928. Alpha Lambda and Gamma Sigma also hosted the first Boule held in the Southwestern Region December 27-29, 1938 in Houston. Since its establishment, the region has contributed to the Sorority's legacy and from its delegation key components for the organization have been birthed.


The mission of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. is to enhance the quality of life for women and their families in the U.S. and globally through community service, civil, and social action. Our goal is to achieve greater progress in the areas of education, health awareness, and leadership development. Our members, affiliates, staff, and community partners work to create and support initiatives that align with our vision.


We visualize a world in which all women and their families reach their full potential in all aspects of life and are able to create unlimited opportunities for future generations.

Chapter History



The Lambda Upsilon Sigma Alumnae Chapter was established June 29, 2013 to serve Collin County located in the suburban communities north of Dallas. Since its chartering, Lambda Upsilon Sigma has worked tirelessly to impact its service area through implementation of the Sorority's national programs and spearheading local initiatives to address additional issues that specifically impact Collin county. The Chapter has contributed more than 10,000 hours of service and awarded over $80,000 in scholarships and in-kind donations to local charities since the chapter’s inception. 

Lambda Upsilon Sigma has been recognized at a local, regional, and national level for its efforts in exemplifying the Sorority’s slogan, “Greater Service, Greater Progress”, garnering awards and recognition internally and externally. 

We visualize a world in which all women and their families reach their full potential in all aspects of life and are able to create unlimited opportunities for future generations.

Leadership Team

Executive Board & Appointed Officers

Sharlandria Shaw Headshot_edited_edited_
Kim Banks Headshot_edited_edited.jpg
Machel Tucker Headshot_edited_edited.jpg
Shelia Williams Headshot_edited_edited_e
LaTasha Lyons Headshot_edited_edited_edi
Stephanie Green Headshot_edited_edited.j
LaShanda Sullivan Headshot_edited_edited
Chaquita Lewis
Desha Brown Headshot_edited_edited.jpg
Mhakeda Shillingford Headshot_edited_edi
Tia Edwards Headshot_edited_edited.jpg
Ava Dunn Headshot_edited_edited.jpg
Natalie Brown Headshot_edited_edited.jpg
Natoka Casey_edited_edited.jpg

Ava Dunn, Sergeant in Arms

Natalie Brown, Sergeant in Arms

NaToka Casey, Sergeant in Arms

Not Photographed: 
Sharrell Alexander, Advisor- Texas Women's University
Dr.  Millicent Delaney, Elections Chair

Committee Chairs

Bylaws & Recommendations - Mhakeda Shillingford

Communication/Public Relations - OPEN

Community Service - LaTara Beller

Budget & Finance - Stephanie Green 

H3 Ambassadors - Kayla Columbel and Vivian Pittman

Hospitality - Charlene Williams and  Dr. Cheryl Furdge

LUSCEF - Melissa Tarpley

Member Mediation - Nicole Bursey

Membership - Kimberly Banks

NPHC - Angela Thompson, LaShanda Sullivan and Ahmayha Smith

Pearls of Promise - Melissa Tarpley

Protocol - Natalie Brown

Scholarship - Ashlyn Fisher

Social Action - Dr. Layla Bushnell and LaKisha Taylor

Strategic Partnerships - Kimberly Johnson

Strategic Planning - Kimberly Banks 

Technology - Dr. Millicent Delaney

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